Attain brand & Marketing

The Attain by Aetna® app is a first-of-its-kind health experience that combines your health history with your wearable activity to offer personalized goals, achievable actions and big rewards — like an Apple Watch or gift cards from popular retailers. The Agency at Aetna was tasked with taking this new product and create all the marketing materials to launch it promote it, raise awareness and downloads. This project won a Bronze award in 60th Hatch Awards in the Brand Amplified Category, on February 25th 2021.

My role
I worked as the lead visual designer in multiple projects established by the business strategy team. From coming up with visual concepts to support the app's approach I'm not an athlete. But I'm healthy. — to concepting and supporting the team with the product's website, to an email campaign, social media ads (Static/motion), to the launch event, educational video direction and app gamification ideation. 
01_Visual approach
The Agency created a visual approach as the first step of the Attain by Aetna empire. A visual proposal to support the app's statement: I'm not an athlete. But I'm healthy. Our main inspiration was everyday people, real people with real struggles and the recognition of their little healthy choices. The app focuses not only on staying active, but on simple steps like keeping up with refilling your prescriptions, having you annual check up and getting your flu shot. 
Wasn't an easy task but working along with the ACD, we were able to come up with some high level options, nothing fancy but something to start the conversation with the broader team. The idea of reflecting the user's journey to a healthier self using the wave as a metaphor and the little dots as the milestones along the way was well received and out-shinned "The Profile" concept. 
And that was the beginning of everything! A pink wave visually inspired by the main app screen and the journey of real people to a healthier version of themselves.
The website's goals are and were to raised awareness via traffic, views, share of voice, etc. Raised consideration sized by the engagement and the time on the site, repeat visits and shares, etc. And conversion thru sign ups and downloads. I teamed up with the ACD on digital side of the project and came up with fully responsive and cool looking website.
02_Email campaign, social media & ads
As the brand was evolving, multiple assets were created. A whole email, social media and ads campaigns were done before and after the app's launch. During this process I learned how to use Stripo as the main tool for email building and publication, and also BannerNow to create simple static and animated ads with an HTML export. After effects was used to create complex animations used in both in emails and social media ads.
03_Launch event
The Launch event took place in South Boston in Jan 29th, 2019. There was specials guests, speakers and press, so we made sure Attain by Aetna was looking it's best. I worked on multiple pieces including some simple animations featured in the big screen between breaks.
04_Video direction
Video is and was a big part of the Attain marketing strategy. Aside from the promotional videos where we casted actors and had a big video and photo shoots, we created simple videos not only to promote the app but also to educate the users about how the app works. I worked with the in-house video editor to create this two pieces that make part of the Attain website.
05_App gamification ideation
Since these app was created in collaboration with Apple, we joined forces to think about ways to improve the overall app experience. We built up 4 different voices with their own vibes and tones to inject a little bit of a personality to the app focusing on enhancing 5 specific features: Onboarding — Game — How I'm doing — Key moments — Choice. We created high level wires for each feature of each voice. The Realest was the winner from all.
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